Tesh Talk

To register the impact of Tesh on the nation's consciousness, Traffic periodically creates Tesh-related chat rooms on America Online.

Here is an excerpt from some recent Tesh-oriented conversations. The names of the participants have been changed, and the responses have been edited for clarity.

Room name: John Tesh Rules

Red Rocks was great, wasn't it?!

The pinnacle.

I really enjoyed it! Have you seen Yanni at the Acropolis? Or do you have the CD?

I have not. Should I purchase it immediately?

Well, you could sit back, relax and possibly rent it. It was fantastic!

Better than Tesh? Or just different? Like champagne and caviar?

Actually to be honest I thought it was better.

That shakes me a little, I have to confess. But I am not too familiar with the works of the lion-maned Yanni, so I can't discount your opinion, MouseMan.

Well now, YOU should at least watch it, it was great, see for yourself and tell me what you think.

OK. I will try. It's just that I'm pretty wrapped up in Tesh at the moment. I have actually been composing some lyrics to his music in the hopes that he might like to perform them. It is kind of a post-modern opera, all about the infotainment world: the working title is "THUS SPAKE LEEZA GIBBONS."

I think you just lost me.

Why do you say that?

Well, are you Leeza, or are you quoting her?

No, that is the title of the opera I am working on, which is set to the Vanilla Volcano's music...

You sing?

Well, my own voice is not very good. But it's decent enough to compose. If Tesh likes my stuff, my idea would be to get someone with more range, possibly Michael Bolton.

You have to watch Yanni at the Acropolis. It's better than the CD and has some songs not on the CD.

Will do.

Room Name: Tesh Joining Grateful Dead

You've got to be kidding!!!

That's the rumour I heard. I work near Dead headquarters in Novato and overheard two staffers talking at lunch.

Do you mean John Tesh--as in the Yanni wannabe?

Well, I do mean John Tesh. But I wouldn't characterize him as a Yanni wannabe...Or for that matter, an anyone-wannabe...

Sorry--don't mean to offend. I don't see him and have never seen him as a folk singer or rock and roller.

Well, apparently, it's down to Tesh, Sammy Hagar, and the lead singer from the Meat Puppets, with Tesh having the inside edge.

Please no Sammy Hagar--he's good but everywhere he goes he's still Sammy Hagar...

That's true.

I still can't get over Tesh. Who would be your choice if it was up to you?

I don't know. The reasoning for Tesh, supposedly, is that he is so unlike Jerry. They are concerned that if they get someone similar, unfavorable comparisons will be the inevitable result. So they are thinking of going in a totally different direction.

That makes sense, but how can "The Dead" be the Dead if they go in a different direction? Like I said, the Dead is gone no matter what they do. It may be cool music--but it won't have the subculture.

The other factor, supposedly, in favor of Tesh, is that by getting someone who isn't necessarily a huge Dead fan, they will avoid idol worship/extreme reverence type situations. They want someone who will be a creative factor in their own right. Tesh will never just be a pair of hired hands. He is a very assertive person, with lots of ideas.

Yes, that's obvious. Otherwise he wouldn't be pushing his own music.

He's built himself quite an empire. The Dead like his work ethic.

Well, somehow I will just bet he doesn't get half the following.

Tesh does have a rock and roll past. He used to play the Farfisa in his younger days. Can't you just see him jamming on Sugar Magnolia?

I'm afraid not.

I'm not sure the Dead would want Nadia Comaneci or Bart Conner doing cartwheels and handstands on the stage like they did at Red Rocks. But who knows?

I am so sure you are right. Can't they just not replace him at all?

Well, nothing's definite yet. If Tesh were to join them, he'd probably have to try to get out of his ET contract so he could go on their extensive touring schedule.

Editor's Note: The Tesh-Joining-Dead rumour is a fabrication. It is unlikely (though not impossible) that it has any basis in truth.