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Following Carman's instruction, a young Christian says "Yo" for Jesus.

I'd like to believe that Carman's conclusions regarding the effects of the no-school-prayer law do not represent his thought at its deepest, but unfortunately, there's nothing in Addicted to Jesus to suggest that this is the case. Carman hates Satan, he hungers for God, he thinks alcoholism and AIDS are bad and prayer is good, and that's about as much as he has to say. The phrase "Addicted to Jesus" remains just that: a phrase, sometimes shortened to the even more catchy "A 2 J," but never more fully developed. In Addicted to Jesus, Carman tricks out religion in the clothes of pop culture, he turns it into a sassy, superficial spectacle, butt-shakingly fashionable, and in the best MTV style, resistant to meaning. Ultimately, his brand of faith is nothing more than a kind of spiritual methadone, more similar to that which it attempts to cure than to an actual remedy.