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April 23, 2004
And what the fuck is an "f-scene"?

Daniel Henninger, Deputy Editor of the Wall Street Journal's editorial page, demonstrates the mind-bending logic it takes to be the the Deputy Editor of the Wall Street Journal's editorial page:

Income and lifestyle needs aside, the truly serious writers and artists out there should consider where their true interests lie in the Bono/Golden Globe controversy. They should understand (and many do) that this claim of a constitutionally protected pants-drop is simply a race to the bottom that is sucking all the available capital out of the entertainment system and increasingly investing it in junk guaranteed to enrage the majority in what, alas, is still a democracy. If broadcasters and cable networks couldn't slip in f-words and f-scenes to make ends meet, they'd have to try harder to "create" something new that would hold large audiences.

Got that? The majority is enraged by junky indecency, and yet junky indecency is also so incredibly appealing that all you need to attract large audiences are a few "f-words and f-scences."

Posted by Greg Beato at 07:51 AM
April 21, 2004
Porn Wars

In the wake of my Reason article on the federal crackdown of pornography, Extreme Associates' Robert Zicari (aka Rob Black) and Hustler's Larry Flynt have been having a back-and-forth in the pages of adult video industry trade magazine AVN, with Zicari accusing of Flynt of forsaking his rebellious, 1st Amendment-loving roots for a more conservative attitude that favors making money over upsetting the powers that be.

Posted by Greg Beato at 09:25 AM